Expand democratic public ownership

New models of public ownership ensure control by users, workers and communities.
Many public services and utilities have been privatised over the last 40 years. These privatisations have repeatedly ended in disappointment and failure: overpriced services and substandard quality. Instead of unleashing “competition”, privatisation has created private monopolies that put profit before people.
But reinstating public ownership doesn’t necessarily mean returning to the models of public ownership that prevailed in the post-1945 period. Many of these were flawed: too top-down and bureaucratic, lacking input from users, workers and wider communities. Instead, new models of democratic public ownership have been developed by We Own It, Thomas Hanna and Andrew Cumbers for the Next System Project, and Keir Milburn and Bertie Russell for Common Wealth.
These models are different but complementary. We Own It’s emphasises user involvement, including the establishment of “Participate”, a new organisation representing users and citizens. Cumbers and Hanna propose a governing assembly for publicly owned enterprises, which gives equal representation to civil society, workers, community and government. Milburn and Russell outline a plan for “Public-Common Partnerships” that bring together local government and common associations, such as co-ops or community interest companies.
Tags Democratic ownership Active state
Find out more
Key documents
- A model for public ownership in the 21st Century. We Own It, 2019
- Constructing the democratic public enterprise. Andrew Cumbers & Thomas Hanna, Democracy Collaborative, 2019
- Public-Common Partnerships: Building new circuits of collective ownership. Common Wealth, 2019
Further reading
Policy in practice
Projects that demonstrate the benefits or may be helped by polices like this.
North West Mutual
Community bank will help local businesses and individuals neglected by mainstream banks. -
North Ayrshire Community Wealth Building
Scotland’s first community wealth building strategy aims to spread prosperity in an area with historically high poverty rates. -
Reading Buses
England's second-largest municipal bus operator invests £3m a year into the network by not having to pay dividends. -
Goldsmith Street
Winner of the 2019 RIBA Stirling prize, these eco-friendly homes are one of the first new council housing projects in a generation. -
Islington Community Wealth Building
Islington, with some of the richest and poorest residents in the country, aims to build a more democratic economy. -
Save Druids Heath
Residents fight council plans to rebuild their homes that ignore their community. -
Better Buses for Greater Manchester
Passenger-led campaign for affordable, easy, reliable, regulated buses. -
Fossetts for the People
Campaigners want to ensure former NHS land is used for publicly owned social housing. -
Preston Community Wealth Building
Preston, recently named the UK's "most improved city", has pioneered more democratic ways to build local wealth. -
Nottingham City Transport
Largest local authority-owned bus operator in England tops customer satisfaction tables.