Roll out universal basic services

Quality public services allow us all to live better lives, and should be expanded beyond health and education.
All of us, however much or little we earn, need certain things to make our lives possible – and worth living. A roof over our heads, nourishing food, education, people to look after us when we can’t look after ourselves, healthcare when we are ill, transport to take us where we need to go, and (these days) access to digital information and communications as well as water, air and energy. We need money so that we can pay for some of these directly, such as food, but there are some things we could never afford to buy outright unless we were very rich. That’s where Universal Basic Services (UBS) come in. We pool resources through taxation and act together through public institutions to make sure everyone gets what they need.
UBS is a powerful lever for achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These recognise that ‘ending poverty and other deprivations must go hand-in-hand with strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth – all while tackling climate change’. In particular, Goals 3 and 4 aim for good health and wellbeing, and quality education, which is best achieved for all through quality public services. UBS could also help to promote gender equality, decent work, and responsible consumption and production, which are Goals 5, 8 and 12.
UBS offers an alternative to market-based strategies by promoting collective responsibility through public institutions. It does not insist on direct state provision of all services but recognises that there is bound to be a central role for the state in ensuring quality and universal reach in all service areas.
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Key documents
- Universal Quality Public Services: A policy briefing for trade unions. Public Services International/New Economics Foundation, 2019 (forthcoming)
- Universal Basic Services: Theory and practice. A literature review. UCL Institute for Global Prosperity, 2019
- Social prosperity for the future: A proposal for Universal Basic Services. UCL Institute for Global Prosperity, 2017
Policy in practice
Projects that demonstrate the benefits or may be helped by polices like this.
Friendly Families nursery
This brand new nursery provides affordable, child-centered care co-produced by parents and staff. -
Goldsmith Street
Winner of the 2019 RIBA Stirling prize, these eco-friendly homes are one of the first new council housing projects in a generation. -
Reading Buses
England's second-largest municipal bus operator invests £3m a year into the network by not having to pay dividends. -
Grasshoppers In The Park
Parents and staff work together to provide high-quality, affordable childcare at this co-operative nursery. -
Save Druids Heath
Residents fight council plans to rebuild their homes that ignore their community. -
Better Buses for Greater Manchester
Passenger-led campaign for affordable, easy, reliable, regulated buses. -
Scallywags nursery
Parents collaborate with skilled staff to provide high-quality affordable care at this well-established nursery. -
Nottingham City Transport
Largest local authority-owned bus operator in England tops customer satisfaction tables. -
Lothian Buses
The UK's largest public bus company returns its profits to the councils that own it. -
Fossetts for the People
Campaigners want to ensure former NHS land is used for publicly owned social housing.